First race wearing a bike helmet of 2010 is in the bag.enjoying my pre-race rituals
running still sucks
Slipped into 4th at the start while everyone was struggling to step into their Dynafits.
Started moving backwards on the steep section at the beginning of the 3rd climb, definitely feeling the extra weight I was carrying on my feet and got passed by 2 people in non-race gear.
Probably one of the hardest races I have ever done (right up there with 2009 MTB provincials in Hinton): there is no recovery, and you are on the max the whole time! Staying in control on the downhills requires incredible strength and endurance. Stopped caring about my transitions at the bottom of the 1st bootpack (just before the halfway point); it is more important to recover, drink, fuel.
Rolled in at 11th in 2:49, around 55 minutes back, got beat by a bunch of people on Dynafits (read light), and 1 strong telemarker! Not bad for the largest vertical I have ever done (1485m), my first race, and rocking more than 2x the weight on my feet.
I have lots of respect for the top ski-mo racers, not just because they are super good climbers, but they can hold it together on the descents even with that light gear! Usually when I am skiing, I try to find the powder, but while racing, you try to avoid it!
Here is how I think I can improve:
-more leg strength to lift my heavy setup.
-more long touring days, more hard intervals on shorter touring days.
-more non stop descents to help me ski with fatigued legs.
While I was Giv'er'ing out on the course, my friends were Giv'er'ing in another manor:
A really cool vibe for an emerging scene in Canada:
-$75 entry fee netted me some swag, two deluxe meals, lift ticket, temp. insurance and race. Kicking Horse and Golden Ski Mo. really stepped up!
-I showed up "late" for sign on, didn't get fined 200CHM, was still allowed to start. Probably half the competitors were "late".
-While there were lots of rules, they were presented in a positive way, they were not yelled at us! *cough*feedzone commisaires*cough*.
-Creative prize categories to involve all ranges of abilities
More fun and less bureaucracy is a great way to grow the sport! Definitely planning on racing more of these next year! Nothing like bringing a knife to a gunfight...
While I was racing, I was thinking "Wow this is so painful. It's not fun at all." But when I got to the final climb, with the the finish in sight, all I could think about being pumped about the magnitude of the accomplishment. Crossing the finish line was all about the glory.