Saturday, March 5, 2011

ROAMing the interwebs

Still pumped from my short jaunt down to Nelson, I have scoured the blagosphere for more recap of the coldsmoke festival! My Coldsmoke buzz is certainly worthy of a fourth blogpost (although it was no Norway trip...).

What did others think of competitions, the clinics (one of which was put on by Ian Gale in the ROAM race. I attended, and I learned that I need to speed up!), or the atmosphere of the festival. Too be honest, I was a little let down by the atmosphere, but I guess we only really got a superficial Coldsmoke experience (we didn't stick around much longer after I received my award, didn't hit up the events in town, clinics, or events other than the skimo race). The expo area was definitely a highlight, lots of new 11/12 gear, some swag, and Steve got to deploy a BCA airbag pack

G3 did a writeup here, as one of their employees duked it out in the ROAM race.

Phil Best took some nice pictures (I would say that they are some of the BEST) at I think he would rather not have me post some of his pictures on my blag without his permission so that all my mom would have to do is right click, save as, so here it goes:

I got #13, and I flipped it upside down like any superstitious Euro cyclist would. They were understanding...

"Why do bagpipers always play the same song"


There's a guy in full denim leading a guy wearing a race suit, race pack, and some Ski Trab World Cup skis!

Just minding my own business, hammering away

'cuz I'm out here grindin'

How about the one on the right?

Anyways, there are some really nice pictures, and I would encourage. Lots of people racking up some hangtime and getting upside down in the slopestyle! Stoked for when the highlight video comes out! More pictures on the event website

It was definitely a fun guys weekend, with an epic game of word association (think obscure 90's hockey players and celebrities) and women's curling. I am really hoping that I can rig up my schedule for next year in a way that I can skip class on Friday and Monday so that I can return, and maybe gun for King of Coldsmoke! Hopefully the snow is a little better...

Anyways, a good way to grow interest in the sport, especially with the industry presence and stepping up with some great prizes! Speaking of great prizes, rumour has it that the Dogtooth Dash will also have lots of stuff to give away, should be a fun race!


  1. Nice Peter, I must have shoulder checked 50 times expecting you to come out of nowhere on those long treed ascents.

    I like the new blog format, looks cool.

  2. Ha good to hear that my presence was felt!

    Looking forward to the Dash, my brother is going to race, hopefully he catches the bug!
